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We need your help to make this film a reality !

At AFI, we aim to make our films up to industry standards and as professionally as possible. All donations go towards the making of the film at the highest quality and maintaining a safe set for our cast and crew. ​ 

Our shoot days are between March 4th and 13th, 2021. The completed film will be delivered no later than July 26th, 2021. We appreciate any donation you can give. They are critical to the success and completion of our film. Our fundraising goal is $60,000 and our deadline is February 8th, 2021.

Make sure “2106 - SAN GABRIEL VALLEY" is selected.

Fill out your information + donation amount.


All donations will receive a special credit at the end of the film and come with incentives:


EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - $5,000 - $10,000

IMDb Credit - Executive Producer

On-screen Executive Producer credit

Invitation to Los Angeles Premiere


SPONSOR - $1,000 - $4,999

IMDb Credit - Associate Producer

On-screen Sponsor credit


PARTNER - $500 - $999

On-screen Partner credit

BENEFACTOR - $100 - $499

On-screen Benefactor credit


DONOR - $10 - $99

On-Screen Special Thanks credit



Make check payable to "American Film Institute". Note "San Gabriel Valley #2106" in the check memo.​​


American Film Institute

2021 N. Western Ave.

ATTN: Maria Cardenas


Los Angeles, CA 90027


Your donation might be tax deductible. The American Film Institute is a Government recognized 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, and holds tax exempt status. Donations made toward SAN GABRIEL VALLEY may be tax deductible under Section 170 of the U.S. Tax Code. A letter of acknowledgement from AFI will be sent for all contributions.


Many companies will match donations made by their employees to non-profit charitable institutions. This can double your donation. Your Human Resources Department will be able to inform you if your employer offers this benefit. If so, please select "My company will match my gift" on the AFI Web Donation Portal. Please contact us for additional help. 




Help comes in many forms. We will gratefully accept any in-kind donations to our film and you will make the credits! In-kind donations might be tax deductible for the full retail value.

Please contact us and let us know how you can help in any part of the production process from film locations, to equipment rentals or craft services.

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